Saturday, October 24, 2015

A different post in mind

It was on my mind to write about something I hadn't noticed before during the Autumn days. I wanted to write about how it took us about the whole month of October for Fall to arrive here. We had some nice warm days and then some hot days.  Mother Nature has cooled things down for us this weekend and gave us some much needed rain.  Thank you!  But, what I noticed the most this Fall is how the birds are singing and how they make it "sound" more like Spring than Fall. The robins and mocking birds are placing their call out in the Autumn airs morning, noon and night.  That's what I wanted to write about with a cute rendition of "Mocking Bird" Say have you heard..... 

But, tragedy struck our OSU fans today when a young lady, intoxicated, ran her car through some homecoming parade watchers and killed three and injured so many more.  Can you imagine enjoying your nice cloudy cool Fall Saturday watching a college homecoming parade and then out of nowhere this happens.  It not only ruined the lives of all those injured and dead, but a young person 25 years old who had her whole life ahead of her and in a flash it is all gone for all of them.  I can't understand this horrible tragedy and I am somber because of it.

I say a prayer for guidance and protection every time I get behind the wheel of my car. Not just for me but for everyone I meet on the road.  Prayers for all those involved in this accident and their families. 


Friday, October 2, 2015

I have written in my blog a thousand times over in my head.  Several thoughts come to mind and I just don't get there.  Today I watched  Dr. Oz (my boyfriend) and he's talking about a Blueprint for Balance.  I should listen closely to this one.  I'm such a procrastinator  and that's why I haven't written on my blog. But, I have been encouraged and inspired to get busy with it.  I love the flow of creation and I hope to work on it more. 

Are you a hoarder? Aren't we all to one degree or another?  I have saved so many things for my boys from their childhood that it's nuts.  I have storage bins full of pictures, books, trophies....  My Mother did it for all of us (YES ALL NINE OF US!) and I love having some of my childhood things with me as they bring back fond memories.  When we moved I told my husband that we had to buy a new house first before I could move because there was no way that I could stage our old house. After we moved I had someone picking up "stuff" for about eight weeks.  I had to sort through so many boxes and things.  Then after I retired I started going through the house again and cleaned out closets and boxes again.  I try to do this at least once a year. It's amazing how much "stuff" we accumulate. I am still sorting through boxes. A discussion at Knitting made we ask myself, "Do I really need to keep those Tom Clancy, Dan Brown,  etc... books?  I probably won't read them again and even if they are the First Edition - it's not like they will be rare collector's items.  So, I packed them up and gave them to the local library for their Book Sale collection.

I have a nice problem of doing things called hobbies - knitting, quilting, reading, gardening etc.. All these hobbies have "stuff" that goes with them.  There's the old say, "She who dies with the most (fill in the blank) WINS!" I'm actually trying to use what I have and stop buying any more yarn, material, books.....  Willpower is not my strong point so this is going to be a challenge.
I try to organize my "stuff" but I've learned that almost everything has more than one use.  I try to think of what else I could use something for before determining its fate.  I also went through a stage of not being in the mood to buy something just because it's cute. I have a lot of things in my home that have been passed down through the family which I love and is very important to me.  I also have collections of things and I am now looking at them and wondering why do I have them and how important are they to me. Not sure what their fate will be.  Maybe I'll hang on to them for a while longer and decide later.
Now something I learned that is very important to pass on is to check with your children to see if they want what you have saved for them. I might not follow this idea - but I do bring some things out for them to see if they want them and they might pass on it or they might take it - like something really cool like the Hamilton Beach Malt maker from their Grandmother's grill.  I've talked with others on this matter and we've determined that this generation doesn't care about some of those old things.  They didn't know the person it belonged to and therefore they don't have the same personal connection that we have with the item.  However, I did see a lot of young families shopping at the antique malls. I think they are mostly looking for the shabby chic items which is simply something old and painted either red, white or turquoise.  I think of the antique stores as being the graveyard for all the old things we remember from our childhood but don't have any use for them in our life today.

I'm going to be working through my "things" to downsize more and more. The theme song from Frozen comes to mind, "Let it Gooooooo...."   I have several storage bins of Halloween/Fall decorations and we seem to buy more cool things each year.  I really need to do this with my Christmas bins as well. You can't even imagine....
Keeping in mind what a real hoarder is I don't fit that bill.  You can sit on my couch, walk through a room, the guest room is always clean and ready and I'll just shut the door to the one room that gets to be a "catch-all" most of the time. So one room out of five isn't bad.

My blog to express my love of Gubbio, Italy, family, knitting, gardening, reading, friendships, etc....CIAO GUBBIO

Wow!  Times they are a changing!  I turn my back on Blogger for two years and BAM! they delete my blog. Well, the old style anyways.  Looks like I'll be starting all over again.  It's a big learning curve for sure, but I drudge through it. Pressing on.....
