Saturday, October 24, 2015

A different post in mind

It was on my mind to write about something I hadn't noticed before during the Autumn days. I wanted to write about how it took us about the whole month of October for Fall to arrive here. We had some nice warm days and then some hot days.  Mother Nature has cooled things down for us this weekend and gave us some much needed rain.  Thank you!  But, what I noticed the most this Fall is how the birds are singing and how they make it "sound" more like Spring than Fall. The robins and mocking birds are placing their call out in the Autumn airs morning, noon and night.  That's what I wanted to write about with a cute rendition of "Mocking Bird" Say have you heard..... 

But, tragedy struck our OSU fans today when a young lady, intoxicated, ran her car through some homecoming parade watchers and killed three and injured so many more.  Can you imagine enjoying your nice cloudy cool Fall Saturday watching a college homecoming parade and then out of nowhere this happens.  It not only ruined the lives of all those injured and dead, but a young person 25 years old who had her whole life ahead of her and in a flash it is all gone for all of them.  I can't understand this horrible tragedy and I am somber because of it.

I say a prayer for guidance and protection every time I get behind the wheel of my car. Not just for me but for everyone I meet on the road.  Prayers for all those involved in this accident and their families. 


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